Главная Dana Osama Alshara

Dana Osama Alshara

Конкурс: Расскажи миру о своей Родине

Возрастная категория: Дети в возрасте от 7 до 11 лет (2 возрастная категория)

Номинация: Видеоролик “Расскажу миру о своей Родине”

Наставник: Fatima Salman

Населённый пункт: Al Ramtha

Регион: Москва

Учебное заведение: Ramtha directorate Shajarat Al Dor Primary School

Рассказ об участии: Feedback from Contestant By: Dana Osama Alshara Shjarat Al Dor Mixed primary School- Ramtha- Jordan I love joining competitions especially when they are about things and places I love most. Making the video gave me excitement, and I enjoyed choosing photos from my family album included in this video. However, I felt the given time of 90 seconds is very short to introduce my countries(as I belong to two countries) . I want to say a lot of more interesting things and about beautiful places. Cultures in both of my countries are very interesting too. I wish I will be given a chance again to talk about my beloved countries and share many other beautiful ideas. In addition, this participation encouraged me to search and learn more technical ways with my mum like searching for translation and subtitling my video into Russian language. It is my chance to tell the world about my beloved countries. Thanks to my Daddy and Mommy for the support, to my school in giving me the chance to join the competition and to the people in The Innovation Center for the Development and Education of Children and Youth for this wonderful opportunity.

Работа: Ссылка


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