Главная Rita masowe

Rita masowe

Конкурс: Расскажи миру о своей Родине

Возрастная категория: Взрослые, юноши и девушки от 15 лет (4 возрастная категория)

Номинация: Видеоролик “Расскажу миру о своей Родине”

Наставник: Edith mutukwa

Населённый пункт: Kabwe

Регион: Москва

Учебное заведение: BSCH

Рассказ об участии: I am participating in the tell about your motherland competition because I want to tell about my mother land and what landmarks we have in zambia I agree zambia is the least developed country but it has some great historical landmarks and features that makes it unique and I want to give everyone a piece of information what I know and how creative I can be, I have decided to take part in this competition because I realized that I can be very creative and I have all the information and I want to bring my creativity to life . I want self development and I want to explore and learn more .After I came across this information about the competition ,I knew it was my time to put my creativity to life hence I got my cellphone and came up with this amazing piece I’ve presented and I believe it’s enough to show how nice and attractive Zambia can be. Definitely I have faced a lot of challenges when coming up with it I struggled on the best application to use and what can come out unique, but I didn’t have a giving up spirit, I also already had ideas in my head of what I can present so it was very easy for me to decide on the theme and after coming up with an amazing piece of presentation I realized I made a lot of mistakes and it was not easy because I was using a cellphone but I managed to come up with this amazing presentation .it’s attractive, educational, creative and it tells a lot about what we value and what we consider unique in our country

Работа: Ссылка


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